For troubleshooting, the following trace detail level in the Logs and trace section of the administrative console can help with problem determination. 对于故障诊断,管理控制台的Logsandtrace部分中的如下跟踪细节的详细程度可以帮助您确定问题。
On administrative permit in rule by administration; The arbitrative examination and determination by the administrative departments for measurement of the next higher people's governments shall be final. 依法行政下的行政许可&以自由裁量权为视角上一级人民政府计量行政部门进行的仲裁检定为终局仲裁检定。
Query into Administrative Lawsuit Possibility in Traffic Accident Responsibility Determination 交通事故责任认定行政可诉性之质疑
Ever since then, China has entered the time of dual system namely judicial determination and administrative determination. 从此,我国进入了行政认定和司法认定并存的双轨制时期。
This is particularly true in administrative adjudications, where an agency passes upon the legality of private conduct. The arbitrative examination and determination by the administrative departments for measurement of the next higher people's governments shall be final. 在行政裁定时,如机关认可私人行为的合法性,情况尤为如此。上一级人民政府计量行政部门进行的仲裁检定为终局仲裁检定。
Measurement attestation denotes the examination and verification conducted by the government administrative departments for measurement of the capability and reliability of the relevant technical agencies in measurement examination and determination and testing. 计量认证是指政府计量行政部门对有关技术机构计量检定、测试的能力和可靠性进行的考核和证明。
A system of invalid administrative act should be established, in which the criteria of determining whether an administrative act is invalid, the ways of determination, the procedure of determination and legal effect should be prescribed. 我国应当建立包括无效的认定标准、认定方式和程序、法律后果等在内的无效行政行为制度。
It is living in a key link. The Eleventh-five-plan will put the administrative system reform in the first of each reform, showing the determination, momentum, range and nature of government's reform. 十一五规划将行政管理体制改革置于各项改革之首,表明我们对政府改革的决心、力度。
The theory's foundation of invalid administrative act system is the limited determination theory, and this institution is a challenge to the determination of administrative act. 无效行政行为制度存在的理论基础是有限公定力说,该制度的存在是对行政行为公定力的挑战。
The second part about the administrative evidence type division research, in which contains administrative evidence type outline as well as our country administration evidence type determination; 第二部分关于行政证据种类划分研究,其中包含行政证据种类的概述以及我国行政证据种类的确定;
At present, the administrative lawsuit accused the determination of administrative subject qualification is for standard. 目前,我国行政诉讼被告资格的确定是以行政主体为标准的。
It is expected, from entity to procedures, to establish a favorable relationship mechanism for criminal identification and administrative determination in financial and securities crimes, thus enhancing the independence and authority of jurisdiction. 以期从实体到程序的角度来确立金融证券犯罪刑事认定与行政认定的良性关系机制,从而确立司法权的独立性与权威性。
However, in the current safety administrative punishment field, the standard of the determination of illegal income is unreasonable. 但是,当前安全生产行政处罚领域对非法生产、非法经营行为违法所得的认定标准存在不合理性。
In this part, the elementary theory questions of the scope of accepting cases in the administrative actions, such as the determination of concept, reason of the determination, restriction factor and legislative pattern, will be elaborated. 本部分重点对行政诉讼受案范围的概念界定、确定原因、制约因素和立法模式等几个方面来探讨行政诉讼受案范围的基本理论问题。
Under the guidance of the unification of the legislation, the government needs to improve the system of administrative system and law enforcement, strict law enforcement procedures, the government appraisal system. It will enhance the government determination to develop ecological agriculture and motivation. 在立法的统一指导下,政府需要完善行政管理体制及执法制度、制定严格的执法程序、建立政府考核制度,以此增强各级政府发展生态农业的决心和动力。
This administrative culture impacts on public policy embodied in the positive and negative. In this paper, analysis this influences from the determination of public policy issues, the establishment of the policy agenda of public policy and the planning of public policy program. 本文认为行政文化对公共决策的影响体现在正反两方面,并从公共政策问题的确定,政策议程的建立和政策方案的规划三个方面进行了分析研究。
Well-known trademarks in China are determined both in administrative way and in judicial way, however, the convenient and less cost of judicial determination with final judicial authorities is much more stable than the administrative determination. 我国的驰名商标由行政和司法两种途径认定,而便捷、低成本的司法认定更具司法保护的稳定性和终极性。
For lagging behind and uncertainty of legislation, it leads to the total separation of administrative determination and criminal identification in judicial practices, thus stopping efficient and successful transition and linkage. 由于立法规定上的滞后性及不确定性,导致在司法实践中行政认定和刑事认定基本上是截然分开的,无法有效、顺畅的实现过渡和衔接。